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Writer's pictureWasteland Hop

Mother Acre | Debut EP

Mother Acre, the debut EP by Wasteland Hop is now available through Amazon and iTunes!

Scene Magazine EP Review:

Dystopia’s at the Doorstep  * * * *  by Conor Hooley “The fate of the six-song disc ultimately falls to frontman MC Mickey Kenny, who resides somewhere between Sage Francis and Saul Williams on the spectrum of poet/rapper hybrids. Impressively, his lyrical acumen proves to be worthy of all of the EP’s angsty ambition, and, though there are truly too many standout lines to list, “Oceans to Eyes” is a good enough starting point for those interested.”

Music Video: "Ashes to Axis" from Mother Acre

Video by Timothy David Orme.

Somniferous Mother Acre Review:

the (r)evolution is here * * * * * by somniferous excellent, progressive, insightful, and a challenge to the social, environmental, personal, and spiritual status quo. This probing EP explores themes most so called “artists” don’t dare approach. highly recommended for anyone seeking something with substance, artistic integrity, and of course sick beats, beautiful vocals, and dynamic word-play that expands on the foundations laid by the likes of eminem, benefit, aesop, etc. one of the best contributions to the music scene in years.

Album Artwork by Taylor Gallegos

Digital downloads of the EP are available from iTunes and Amazon.


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